Title: | Stochastic Simulation of Streamflow Time Series using Phase Randomization |
Description: | Provides a simulation framework to simulate streamflow time series with similar main characteristics as observed data. These characteristics include the distribution of daily streamflow values and their temporal correlation as expressed by short- and long-range dependence. The approach is based on the randomization of the phases of the Fourier transform or the phases of the wavelet transform. The function prsim() is applicable to single site simulation and uses the Fourier transform. The function prsim.wave() extends the approach to multiple sites and is based on the complex wavelet transform. The function prsim.weather() extends the approach to multiple variables for weather generation. We further use the flexible four-parameter Kappa distribution, which allows for the extrapolation to yet unobserved low and high flows. Alternatively, the empirical or any other distribution can be used. A detailed description of the simulation approach for single sites and an application example can be found in Brunner et al. (2019) <doi:10.5194/hess-23-3175-2019>. A detailed description and evaluation of the wavelet-based multi-site approach can be found in Brunner and Gilleland (2020) <doi:10.5194/hess-24-3967-2020>. A detailed description and evaluation of the multi-variable and multi-site weather generator can be found in Brunner et al. (2021) <doi:10.5194/esd-12-621-2021>. A detailed description and evaluation of the non-stationary streamflow generator can be found in Brunner and Gilleland (2024) <doi:10.1029/2023EF004238>. |
Authors: | Manuela Brunner [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Manuela Brunner <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.5 |
Built: | 2025-03-13 05:01:55 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/PRSim |
Provides a simulation framework to simulate streamflow time series with similar main characteristics as observed data. These characteristics include the distribution of daily streamflow values and their temporal correlation as expressed by short- and long-range dependence. The approach is based on the randomization of the phases of the Fourier transform or the phases of the wavelet transform. The function prsim() is applicable to single site simulation and uses the Fourier transform. The function prsim.wave() extends the approach to multiple sites and is based on the complex wavelet transform. The function prsim.weather() extends the approach to multiple variables for weather generation. We further use the flexible four-parameter Kappa distribution, which allows for the extrapolation to yet unobserved low and high flows. Alternatively, the empirical or any other distribution can be used. A detailed description of the simulation approach for single sites and an application example can be found in Brunner et al. (2019) <doi:10.5194/hess-23-3175-2019>. A detailed description and evaluation of the wavelet-based multi-site approach can be found in Brunner and Gilleland (2020) <doi:10.5194/hess-24-3967-2020>. A detailed description and evaluation of the multi-variable and multi-site weather generator can be found in Brunner et al. (2021) <doi:10.5194/esd-12-621-2021>. A detailed description and evaluation of the non-stationary streamflow generator can be found in Brunner and Gilleland (2024) <doi:10.1029/2023EF004238>.
Package: | PRSim |
Type: | Package |
Title: | Stochastic Simulation of Streamflow Time Series using Phase Randomization |
Version: | 1.5 |
Date: | 2024-03-14 |
Authors@R: | c(person("Manuela", "Brunner", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-8824-877X")), person("Reinhard", "Furrer", role = c("aut"), email = "[email protected]", comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-6319-2332")), person("R Core Teamn", role = c("ctb", "cph"), comment="ks_test.c")) |
Author: | Manuela Brunner [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8824-877X>), Reinhard Furrer [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6319-2332>), R Core Teamn [ctb, cph] (ks_test.c) |
Maintainer: | Manuela Brunner <[email protected]> |
Description: | Provides a simulation framework to simulate streamflow time series with similar main characteristics as observed data. These characteristics include the distribution of daily streamflow values and their temporal correlation as expressed by short- and long-range dependence. The approach is based on the randomization of the phases of the Fourier transform or the phases of the wavelet transform. The function prsim() is applicable to single site simulation and uses the Fourier transform. The function prsim.wave() extends the approach to multiple sites and is based on the complex wavelet transform. The function prsim.weather() extends the approach to multiple variables for weather generation. We further use the flexible four-parameter Kappa distribution, which allows for the extrapolation to yet unobserved low and high flows. Alternatively, the empirical or any other distribution can be used. A detailed description of the simulation approach for single sites and an application example can be found in Brunner et al. (2019) <doi:10.5194/hess-23-3175-2019>. A detailed description and evaluation of the wavelet-based multi-site approach can be found in Brunner and Gilleland (2020) <doi:10.5194/hess-24-3967-2020>. A detailed description and evaluation of the multi-variable and multi-site weather generator can be found in Brunner et al. (2021) <doi:10.5194/esd-12-621-2021>. A detailed description and evaluation of the non-stationary streamflow generator can be found in Brunner and Gilleland (2024) <doi:10.1029/2023EF004238>. |
URL: | https://git.math.uzh.ch/reinhard.furrer/PRSim-devel |
BugReports: | https://git.math.uzh.ch/reinhard.furrer/PRSim-devel/-/issues |
License: | GPL-3 |
Encoding: | UTF-8 |
LazyData: | true |
Depends: | R (>= 3.5.0) |
Suggests: | lattice, ismev, evd, GB2, boot, MASS |
Imports: | stats, methods, lmomco, mev, goftest, wavScalogram, splus2R |
RoxygenNote: | 7.2.3 |
NeedsCompilation: | yes |
Packaged: | 2024-04-08 06:20:41 UTC; brunnerm |
Date/Publication: | 2024-04-08 08:33:00 UTC |
Repository: | https://manuelabrunner.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/cran/PRSim |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | d9a6e5806c983b339e4d420905a16b1e128d2fb6 |
Index of help topics:
PRSim-package Stochastic Simulation of Streamflow Time Series using Phase Randomization PRsim Simulate for one station PRsim.wave Simulate for multiple stations PRsim.wave.nonstat Simulate for multiple stations under non-stationary conditions PRsim.weather Weather simulation (temperature and precipitation) for multiple stations runoff Sample runoff of a catchment runoff_multi_site_T Sample runoff and temperature data of two catchments with a similar discharge regime runoff_multi_sites Sample runoff of four catchments with a similar discharge regime simulations Simulated runoff simulations_multi_sites Simulated runoff for four catchments weather_multi_sites Sample temperature and precipitation of four catchments derived from the ERA5-Land gridded dataset weather_sim_multi_sites Simulated temperature and precipitation for two grid cells
Contains two functions for the stochastic simulation of continuous discharge time series: prsim and prsim.wave both using phase randomization. prsim is based on the Fourier transform while prsim.wave uses the wavelet transform.
prsim: Simulation in the frequency domain is based on the randomization of the phases of the Fourier transform. We here combine phase randomization simulation with the flexible, four-parameter kappa distribution, which allows for the extrapolation to yet unobserved low and high flows. Alternative distributions or the empirical distribution can be used instead. The simulation approach consists of eight steps: (1) fitting of theoretical Kappa distribution, (2) normalization and deseasonalization, (3) Fourier transformation, (4) Fourier phases computation, (5) random phase generation, (6) inverse Fourier transformation, (7) back transformation, and (8) simulation.
prsim.wave: Simulation for multiple sites in the frequency domain based on the randomization of the phases of the continuous wavelet transform. We combine phase randomization with the flexible, four-parameter kappa distribution. Alternative theoretical distributions or the empirical distribution can be used instead. The simulation procedure consists of five steps: (1) Derivation of random phases from a white noise time series, (2) Fitting of kappa distribution, (3) Wavelet transform, (4) Inverse wavelet transform, and (5) Transformation to the kappa distribution (or the distribution of choice).
prsim.weather: Simulation of two variables (temperature and precipitation) for multiple sites in the frequency domain based on the randomization of the phases of the continuous wavelet transform. We combine phase randomization with the flexible, skewed exponential power (sep) and extended generalized pareto distributions (egpd). Alternative theoretical distributions can be used instead. The simulation procedure consists of five steps: (1) Derivation of random phases from a randomly sampled time series, (2) Fitting of temperature and precipitation disstributions, (3) Wavelet transform, (4) Inverse wavelet transform, and (5) Transformation to the desired distributions.
Manuela Brunner [aut, cre] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8824-877X>), Reinhard Furrer [aut] (<https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6319-2332>), R Core Teamn [ctb, cph] (ks_test.c)
Maintainer: Manuela Brunner <[email protected]>
Brunner, M. I., A. Bárdossy, and R. Furrer (2019). Technical note: Stochastic simulation of streamflow time series using phase randomization. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 3175-3187, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-23-3175-2019.
Brunner, M. I., and E. Gilleland (2020). Stochastic simulation of streamflow and spatial extremes: a continuous, wavelet-based approach, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-24-3967-2020.
Brunner, M. I., and E. Gilleland (2021). Spatial compound hot-dry events in the United States: assessment using a multi-site multi-variable weather generator, in preparation.
demo("PRSim") demo("PRSim-validate") demo("PRSim_wave") demo("PRSim_wave-validate") demo("PRSim_weather") demo("PRSim_weather-validate")
demo("PRSim") demo("PRSim-validate") demo("PRSim_wave") demo("PRSim_wave-validate") demo("PRSim_weather") demo("PRSim_weather-validate")
Applies the algorithm to a single station
prsim(data, station_id="Qobs", number_sim=1, win_h_length=15, marginal=c("kappa","empirical"), n_par=4, marginalpar=TRUE, GoFtest=NULL, verbose=TRUE, suppWarn=FALSE, ...)
prsim(data, station_id="Qobs", number_sim=1, win_h_length=15, marginal=c("kappa","empirical"), n_par=4, marginalpar=TRUE, GoFtest=NULL, verbose=TRUE, suppWarn=FALSE, ...)
data |
data frame containing the time indications and runoff of at least one station. See ‘Details’. |
station_id |
identifies the station in case several runoffs are present in |
number_sim |
number of simulations to be carried out. |
win_h_length |
(half-)length of moving window size. |
marginal |
marginal distribution to be used for the backtransformation. Can be either |
n_par |
number of parameters of the marginal distribution used |
GoFtest |
If (non-null) a GoF test for daily data should be performed: |
verbose |
logical. Should progress be reported? |
marginalpar |
logical. Should the estimated parameters of the distribution used be returned? |
suppWarn |
logical. See ‘Details’. |
... |
any other argument passed to the sub-function specifying the cdf for fitting. See ‘Details’ and ‘Examples’. |
Time can be given with three columns named "YYYY"
, "MM"
, "DD"
, or as in POSIXct format YYYY-MM-DD
All leap days (Feb 29th) will be omitted from the analysis, but no missing observations are allowed.
Stations are identified by column name (default "Qobs"
), or by column index.
The function homtest::par.kappa
might issue quite a few warnings of type In fn(par, ...) : value out of range in 'gammafn'
. The argument suppWarn
allows to silence warnings for the specific function call via suppressWarnings()
. Of course, a subsequent check via warnings()
is recommended.
Alternative distributions can be specified by providing three functions: (1) a function fitting the parameters of a distributions and providing a vector of these parameters as output (CDF_fit), (2) a function simulating random numbers from this distribution (rCDF), and (3) a function specifying the distribution (pCDF). See ‘Examples’ for the generalized beta for the second kind and for the Generalized Extreme Values (GEV) distribution.
When using the kappa distribution, the AD test can for certain values of the parameter h not be performed.
A list with elements
simulation |
A data frame with time information, observations, deseaonalized observations and
pars |
A matrix containing the estimated parameters of the marginal distribution (if |
p_val |
A vector containing the p-values of |
Manuela Brunner
Brunner, M. I., A. Bárdossy, and R. Furrer (2019). Technical note: Stochastic simulation of streamflow time series using phase randomization. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 3175-3187, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-23-3175-2019.
data(runoff) out <- prsim( runoff[ runoff$YYYY<1980, ], "Qobs", 1, suppWarn=TRUE) # warnings() # as a follow-up to `suppWarn=TRUE` ## Specifying particular CDFs: ## (1) example with the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution require("evd") require("ismev") rGEV <- function(n, theta) rgev(n, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3]) pGEV <- function(x, theta) pgev(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3]) GEV_fit <- function( xdat, ...) gev.fit( xdat, ...)$mle ## (2) example with generalized Beta distribution of the second kind require( "GB2") rGB2 <- function(n, theta) rgb2(n, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3], theta[4]) pGB2 <- function(x, theta) pgb2(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3], theta[4]) GB2_fit <- function( xdat, ...) ml.gb2( xdat, ...)$opt1$par
data(runoff) out <- prsim( runoff[ runoff$YYYY<1980, ], "Qobs", 1, suppWarn=TRUE) # warnings() # as a follow-up to `suppWarn=TRUE` ## Specifying particular CDFs: ## (1) example with the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution require("evd") require("ismev") rGEV <- function(n, theta) rgev(n, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3]) pGEV <- function(x, theta) pgev(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3]) GEV_fit <- function( xdat, ...) gev.fit( xdat, ...)$mle ## (2) example with generalized Beta distribution of the second kind require( "GB2") rGB2 <- function(n, theta) rgb2(n, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3], theta[4]) pGB2 <- function(x, theta) pgb2(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3], theta[4]) GB2_fit <- function( xdat, ...) ml.gb2( xdat, ...)$opt1$par
Applies the wavelet-based simulation algorithm to multiple sites (single site possible as well)
prsim.wave(data, station_id="Qobs", number_sim=1, win_h_length=15, marginal=c("kappa","empirical"), n_par=4, n_wave=100, marginalpar=TRUE, GoFtest=NULL, verbose=TRUE, suppWarn=FALSE, ...)
prsim.wave(data, station_id="Qobs", number_sim=1, win_h_length=15, marginal=c("kappa","empirical"), n_par=4, n_wave=100, marginalpar=TRUE, GoFtest=NULL, verbose=TRUE, suppWarn=FALSE, ...)
data |
list of data frames. One list entry, i.e. data frame, corresponds to one station. Each data frame contains the time indications and runoff of one station. See ‘Details’. |
station_id |
identifies the station in case several time series are present in |
number_sim |
number of simulations to be carried out. |
win_h_length |
(half-)length of moving window size. |
marginal |
marginal distribution to be used for the backtransformation. Can be either |
n_par |
number of parameters of the marginal distribution used |
GoFtest |
If (non-null) a GoF test for daily data should be performed: |
verbose |
logical. Should progress be reported? |
marginalpar |
logical. Should the estimated parameters of the distribution used be returned? |
n_wave |
number of scales to be considered in the continuous wavelet transform. |
suppWarn |
logical. See ‘Details’. |
... |
any other argument passed to the sub-function specifying the cdf for fitting. See ‘Details’ and ‘Examples’. |
Time can be given with three columns named "YYYY"
, "MM"
, "DD"
, or as in POSIXct format YYYY-MM-DD
All leap days (Feb 29th) will be omitted from the analysis, but no missing observations are allowed.
Stations are identified by list index.
The function homtest::par.kappa
might issue quite a few warnings of type In fn(par, ...) : value out of range in 'gammafn'
. The argument suppWarn
allows to silence warnings for the specific function call via suppressWarnings()
. Of course, a subsequent check via warnings()
is recommended.
Alternative distributions can be specified by providing three functions: (1) a function fitting the parameters of a distributions and providing a vector of these parameters as output (CDF_fit), (2) a function simulating random numbers from this distribution (rCDF), and (3) a function specifying the distribution (pCDF). See ‘Examples’ for the generalized beta for the second kind and for the Generalized Extreme Values (GEV) distribution.
When using the kappa distribution, the AD test can for certain values of the parameter h not be performed.
A list with elements
simulation |
A data frame with time information, observations, and
pars |
A matrix containing the estimated parameters of the marginal distribution (if |
p_val |
A vector containing the p-values of |
Manuela Brunner
Brunner, M. I., and E. Gilleland (2020). Stochastic simulation of streamflow and spatial extremes: a continuous, wavelet-based approach, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-24-3967-2020.
data(runoff_multi_sites) ## Specifying particular CDFs: ## (1) example with the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution require("evd") require("ismev") rGEV <- function(n, theta) rgev(n, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3]) pGEV <- function(x, theta) pgev(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3]) GEV_fit <- function( xdat, ...) gev.fit( xdat, ...)$mle ## (2) example with generalized Beta distribution of the second kind require( "GB2") rGB2 <- function(n, theta) rgb2(n, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3], theta[4]) pGB2 <- function(x, theta) pgb2(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3], theta[4]) GB2_fit <- function( xdat, ...) ml.gb2( xdat, ...)$opt1$par
data(runoff_multi_sites) ## Specifying particular CDFs: ## (1) example with the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution require("evd") require("ismev") rGEV <- function(n, theta) rgev(n, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3]) pGEV <- function(x, theta) pgev(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3]) GEV_fit <- function( xdat, ...) gev.fit( xdat, ...)$mle ## (2) example with generalized Beta distribution of the second kind require( "GB2") rGB2 <- function(n, theta) rgb2(n, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3], theta[4]) pGB2 <- function(x, theta) pgb2(x, theta[1], theta[2], theta[3], theta[4]) GB2_fit <- function( xdat, ...) ml.gb2( xdat, ...)$opt1$par
Applies the wavelet-based and non-stationary simulation algorithm to multiple sites (single site possible as well)
prsim.wave.nonstat(data, station_id="Qobs", number_sim=1, win_h_length=15, marginal=c("kappa","empirical"), n_par=4, n_wave=100, cov_name='T', marginalpar=TRUE, GoFtest=NULL, verbose=TRUE, suppWarn=FALSE, warming_level, ...)
prsim.wave.nonstat(data, station_id="Qobs", number_sim=1, win_h_length=15, marginal=c("kappa","empirical"), n_par=4, n_wave=100, cov_name='T', marginalpar=TRUE, GoFtest=NULL, verbose=TRUE, suppWarn=FALSE, warming_level, ...)
data |
list of data frames. One list entry, i.e. data frame, corresponds to one station. Each data frame contains the time indications and runoff of one station. See ‘Details’. |
station_id |
identifies the station in case several time series are present in |
number_sim |
number of simulations to be carried out. |
win_h_length |
(half-)length of moving window size. |
marginal |
marginal distribution to be used for the backtransformation. Can be either |
n_par |
number of parameters of the marginal distribution used |
GoFtest |
If (non-null) a GoF test for daily data should be performed: |
verbose |
logical. Should progress be reported? |
cov_name |
character. 'T' for temperature. Has to correspond to covariate name used in data list. |
marginalpar |
logical. Should the estimated parameters of the distribution used be returned? |
n_wave |
number of scales to be considered in the continuous wavelet transform. |
suppWarn |
logical. See ‘Details’. |
warming_level |
a vector of station-specific warming levels. Each vector entry contains the warming level for the corresponding station part of the data list. For example, vector entry 1 represents the warming level for station 1 in the data list. |
... |
any other argument passed to the sub-function specifying the cdf for fitting. See ‘Details’ and ‘Examples’. |
Time can be given with three columns named "YYYY"
, "MM"
, "DD"
, or as in POSIXct format YYYY-MM-DD
All leap days (Feb 29th) will be omitted from the analysis, but no missing observations are allowed.
Stations are identified by list index.
The function homtest::par.kappa
might issue quite a few warnings of type In fn(par, ...) : value out of range in 'gammafn'
. The argument suppWarn
allows to silence warnings for the specific function call via suppressWarnings()
. Of course, a subsequent check via warnings()
is recommended.
Alternative distributions can be specified by providing three functions: (1) a function fitting the parameters of a distributions and providing a vector of these parameters as output (CDF_fit), (2) a function simulating random numbers from this distribution (rCDF), and (3) a function specifying the distribution (pCDF). See ‘Examples’ for the generalized beta for the second kind and for the Generalized Extreme Values (GEV) distribution.
When using the kappa distribution, the AD test can for certain values of the parameter h not be performed.
A list with elements
simulation |
A data frame with time information, observations, and
pars |
A matrix containing the estimated parameters of the marginal distribution (if |
p_val |
A vector containing the p-values of |
Manuela Brunner
Brunner, M. I., and E. Gilleland (2024). Future changes in floods, droughts, and their extents in the Alps: a sensitivity analysis with a non-stationary stochastic streamflow generator, Earth's Future.
Applies the wavelet-based weather simulation algorithm to multiple sites (single site possible as well)
prsim.weather(data_p, data_t, station_id_p="Precip", station_id_t="Temp", number_sim=1, win_h_length=15, n_wave=100,verbose=TRUE,t_margin='sep',p_margin='egpd',...)
prsim.weather(data_p, data_t, station_id_p="Precip", station_id_t="Temp", number_sim=1, win_h_length=15, n_wave=100,verbose=TRUE,t_margin='sep',p_margin='egpd',...)
data_p |
list of precipitation data frames. One list entry, i.e. data frame, corresponds to one station/grid cell. Each data frame contains the time indications and precipitation of one station. See ‘Details’. |
data_t |
list of temperature data frames. One list entry, i.e. data frame, corresponds to one station/grid cell. Each data frame contains the time indications and temperature of one station. See ‘Details’. |
station_id_p |
identifies the precipitation variable name in case several time series are present in |
station_id_t |
identifies the temperature variable name in case several time series are present in |
number_sim |
number of simulations to be carried out. |
win_h_length |
(half-)length of moving window size. |
t_margin |
marginal distribution to be used for the backtransformation of temperature. Can be either |
p_margin |
marginal distribution to be used for the backtransformation of precipitation. Can be either |
verbose |
logical. Should progress be reported? |
n_wave |
number of scales to be considered in the continuous wavelet transform. |
... |
any other argument passed to the sub-function specifying the cdf for fitting. See ‘Details’ and ‘Examples’. |
Time can be given with three columns named "YYYY"
, "MM"
, "DD"
, or as in POSIXct format YYYY-MM-DD
All leap days (Feb 29th) will be omitted from the analysis, but no missing observations are allowed.
Stations are identified by list index.
Alternative distributions can be specified by providing three functions: (1) a function fitting the parameters of a distributions and providing a vector of these parameters as output (CDF_fit), (2) a function simulating random numbers from this distribution (rCDF), and (3) a function specifying the distribution (pCDF). See ‘Examples’ for the generalized beta for the second kind and for the Generalized Extreme Values (GEV) distribution.
A list with elements temperature and precipitation of
simulation |
data frames with time information, observations, and
Manuela Brunner
Brunner, M. I., and E. Gilleland (2021). Spatial compound hot-dry events in the United States: assessment using a multi-site multi-variable weather generator, in preparation.
Artifical runoff data based on actual and simulated observations.
A data frame with 15695 observations of the following 4 variables.
a numeric vector, year
a numeric vector, month
a numeric vector, day
a numeric vector, synthetic observed runoff
The data mimiks the runoff of the river Plessur at the gauging station Chur, Switzerland. The the flow regime of the river is melt dominated. More information is given in the reference below.
The provided data is a weighted average of the acutually observed values and a particular simulated runoff. The actual discharge data can be ordered from http://www.bafu.admin.ch/wasser/13462/13494/15076/index.
Brunner, M. I., A. Bárdossy, and R. Furrer (2019). Technical note: Stochastic simulation of streamflow time series using phase randomization. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 3175-3187, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-23-3175-2019.
data(runoff) str(runoff) runoff$timestamp <- paste(runoff$YYYY, runoff$MM, runoff$DD, sep=" ") runoff$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(strptime(runoff$timestamp, format="%Y %m %d", tz="GMT")) plot(runoff$timestamp[1:1000], runoff$Qobs[1:1000], type="l", xlab="Time [d]", ylab=expression(paste("Discharge [m"^3,"/s]")))
data(runoff) str(runoff) runoff$timestamp <- paste(runoff$YYYY, runoff$MM, runoff$DD, sep=" ") runoff$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(strptime(runoff$timestamp, format="%Y %m %d", tz="GMT")) plot(runoff$timestamp[1:1000], runoff$Qobs[1:1000], type="l", xlab="Time [d]", ylab=expression(paste("Discharge [m"^3,"/s]")))
Observed runoff data from two catchments in Switzerland.
A list of two data frames (one list per station) of the following 5 variables.
a numeric vector, year
a numeric vector, month
a numeric vector, day
a numeric vector, observed runoff
a numeric vector, average temperature
The data contains runoff for two Swiss gages: (i) Thur Andelfingen (FOEN 2044) and (ii) Alpbach Erstfeld (FOEN 2299).
The actual discharge data were ordered from https://www.bafu.admin.ch/bafu/en/home/topics/water/state/data/obtaining-monitoring-data-on-the-topic-of-water/hydrological-data-service-for-watercourses-and-lakes.html. Temperature averages were computed from E-OBS (https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/insitu-gridded-observations-europe?tab=overview).
Brunner, M. I. and Eric Gilleland in preparation.
data(runoff_multi_site_T) str(runoff_multi_site_T) runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$timestamp <- paste(runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$YYYY, runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$MM, runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$DD, sep=" ") runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(strptime(runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$timestamp,format="%Y %m %d", tz="GMT")) plot(runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$timestamp[1:1000], runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$Qobs[1:1000], type="l", xlab="Time [d]", ylab=expression(paste("Discharge [m"^3,"/s]")))
data(runoff_multi_site_T) str(runoff_multi_site_T) runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$timestamp <- paste(runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$YYYY, runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$MM, runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$DD, sep=" ") runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(strptime(runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$timestamp,format="%Y %m %d", tz="GMT")) plot(runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$timestamp[1:1000], runoff_multi_site_T[[1]]$Qobs[1:1000], type="l", xlab="Time [d]", ylab=expression(paste("Discharge [m"^3,"/s]")))
Observed runoff data from four USGS sites.
A list of four data frames (one list per station) of the following 4 variables.
a numeric vector, year
a numeric vector, month
a numeric vector, day
a numeric vector, observed runoff
The data contains runoff for four USGS gages: (i) Calawah River near Forks, WA (USGS 12043000), (ii) NF Stillaguamish River near Arlington, WA (USGS 12167000), (iii) Nehalem River near Foss, OR (USGS 14301000), and (iv) Steamboat Creek near Glide, OR (USGS 14316700).
The actual discharge data were downloaded from https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis.
Brunner, M. I., A. Bárdossy, and R. Furrer (2019). Technical note: Stochastic simulation of streamflow time series using phase randomization. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 3175-3187, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-23-3175-2019.
data(runoff_multi_sites) str(runoff_multi_sites) runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$timestamp <- paste(runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$YYYY, runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$MM, runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$DD, sep=" ") runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(strptime(runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$timestamp,format="%Y %m %d", tz="GMT")) plot(runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$timestamp[1:1000], runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$Qobs[1:1000], type="l", xlab="Time [d]", ylab=expression(paste("Discharge [m"^3,"/s]")))
data(runoff_multi_sites) str(runoff_multi_sites) runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$timestamp <- paste(runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$YYYY, runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$MM, runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$DD, sep=" ") runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(strptime(runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$timestamp,format="%Y %m %d", tz="GMT")) plot(runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$timestamp[1:1000], runoff_multi_sites[[1]]$Qobs[1:1000], type="l", xlab="Time [d]", ylab=expression(paste("Discharge [m"^3,"/s]")))
The dataset is generated with the package own routines and represent 5 series of 18 years of runoff
A list of three elements, containing (i) a data frame with 6570 observations of the following variables
a numeric vector, year
a numeric vector, month
a numeric vector, day
vector of the daily runoff
deseasonalized time series
observed runoff
5 simulated runoff series
(ii) a data frame with the daily fitted kappa parameters and (iii) p-values of the daily ks.test
The data is included to illustrate the validation and visualization routines in demo("PRSim-validate")
The data has been generated with
set.seed(14); prsim( runoff[ runoff$YYYY>1999,], number_sim=5,
(default values for all other arguments).
Brunner, M. I., A. Bárdossy, and R. Furrer (2019). Technical note: Stochastic simulation of streamflow time series using phase randomization. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 3175-3187, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-23-3175-2019.
data(simulations) names(simulations) sim <- simulations$simulation dim(sim) sim$day_id <- rep(seq(1:365), times=length(unique(sim$YYYY))) mean_obs <- aggregate(sim$Qobs, by=list(sim$day_id), FUN=mean, simplify=FALSE) plot(unlist(mean_obs[,2]),lty=1,lwd=1,col="black", ylab="Discharge [m3/s]", xlab="Time [d]", main="Mean hydrographs", ylim=c(0,22), type="l") for(r in 7:(length(names(sim))-1)){ mean_hydrograph <- aggregate(sim[,r], by=list(sim$day_id), FUN=mean, simplify=FALSE) lines(mean_hydrograph, lty=1, lwd=1, col="gray") } lines( mean_obs, lty=1, lwd=1, col="black")
data(simulations) names(simulations) sim <- simulations$simulation dim(sim) sim$day_id <- rep(seq(1:365), times=length(unique(sim$YYYY))) mean_obs <- aggregate(sim$Qobs, by=list(sim$day_id), FUN=mean, simplify=FALSE) plot(unlist(mean_obs[,2]),lty=1,lwd=1,col="black", ylab="Discharge [m3/s]", xlab="Time [d]", main="Mean hydrographs", ylim=c(0,22), type="l") for(r in 7:(length(names(sim))-1)){ mean_hydrograph <- aggregate(sim[,r], by=list(sim$day_id), FUN=mean, simplify=FALSE) lines(mean_hydrograph, lty=1, lwd=1, col="gray") } lines( mean_obs, lty=1, lwd=1, col="black")
The dataset is generated with the package own routines and represent 5 series of 38 years of runoff for four catchments
A list of four elements (one per catchment), containing a data frame each holding information about the observed time series and the stochastic simulations
a numeric vector, year
a numeric vector, month
a numeric vector, day
vector of the daily runoff
observed runoff
5 simulated runoff series
The data is included to illustrate the validation and visualization routines in demo("PRSim_wave-validate")
The data has been generated with
prsim.wave(data=runoff_multi_sites, number_sim=5, marginal="kappa",
GoFtest = NULL,pars=NULL, p_val=NULL)
(default values for all other arguments).
Brunner, M. I., A. Bárdossy, and R. Furrer (2019). Technical note: Stochastic simulation of streamflow time series using phase randomization. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 3175-3187, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-23-3175-2019.
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(3, 3, 2, 1)) ### greys col_vect_obs <- c('#cccccc','#969696','#636363','#252525') ### oranges col_vect_sim <- c('#fdbe85','#fd8d3c','#e6550d','#a63603') data(simulations_multi_sites) sim <- simulations_multi_sites dim(sim[[1]]) ### plot time series for multiple sites par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(3,3,2,1)) ### determine ylim ylim_max <- max(sim[[1]]$Qobs)*1.5 ### observed plot(sim[[1]]$Qobs[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold( paste("Specific discharge [mm/d]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_obs[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max),main='Observations') for(l in 2:4){ lines(sim[[l]]$Qobs[1:1000],col=col_vect_obs[l]) } legend('topleft',legend=c('Station 1','Station 2', 'Station 3','Station 4'), lty=1,col=col_vect_obs[1:4]) ### simulated (one run) plot(sim[[1]]$r1[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold(paste("Specific discharge [mm/d]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_sim[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max), main='Stochastic simulations') for(l in 2:4){ lines(sim[[l]]$r1[1:1000],col=col_vect_sim[l]) } par(oldpar)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(3, 3, 2, 1)) ### greys col_vect_obs <- c('#cccccc','#969696','#636363','#252525') ### oranges col_vect_sim <- c('#fdbe85','#fd8d3c','#e6550d','#a63603') data(simulations_multi_sites) sim <- simulations_multi_sites dim(sim[[1]]) ### plot time series for multiple sites par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(3,3,2,1)) ### determine ylim ylim_max <- max(sim[[1]]$Qobs)*1.5 ### observed plot(sim[[1]]$Qobs[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold( paste("Specific discharge [mm/d]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_obs[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max),main='Observations') for(l in 2:4){ lines(sim[[l]]$Qobs[1:1000],col=col_vect_obs[l]) } legend('topleft',legend=c('Station 1','Station 2', 'Station 3','Station 4'), lty=1,col=col_vect_obs[1:4]) ### simulated (one run) plot(sim[[1]]$r1[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold(paste("Specific discharge [mm/d]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_sim[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max), main='Stochastic simulations') for(l in 2:4){ lines(sim[[l]]$r1[1:1000],col=col_vect_sim[l]) } par(oldpar)
Reanalysis data of four grid cells from ERA5-Land.
Contains two lists data_p and data_t containing precipitation and temperature data, respectively. Each list consists of four data frames (one list per station/grid cell) of the following 4 variables.
a numeric vector, year
a numeric vector, month
a numeric vector, day
a numeric vector, observed precipitation/temperature
The data contains data for four grid cells in the Pacific Northwest.
The preciptation data were downloaded from ERA5-Land https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=overview.
Brunner, M. I., and E. Gilleland (2021). Spatial compound hot-dry events in the United States: assessment using a multi-site multi-variable weather generator, in preparation.
data(weather_multi_sites) weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$timestamp <- paste(weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$YYYY, weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$MM, weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$DD, sep=" ") weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(strptime(weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$timestamp, format="%Y %m %d", tz="GMT")) plot(weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$timestamp[1:1000], weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$Qobs[1:1000], type="l", xlab="Time [d]", ylab=expression(paste("Temperature [degrees]")))
data(weather_multi_sites) weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$timestamp <- paste(weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$YYYY, weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$MM, weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$DD, sep=" ") weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$timestamp <- as.POSIXct(strptime(weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$timestamp, format="%Y %m %d", tz="GMT")) plot(weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$timestamp[1:1000], weather_multi_sites[[1]][[1]]$Qobs[1:1000], type="l", xlab="Time [d]", ylab=expression(paste("Temperature [degrees]")))
The dataset is generated with the package own routines and represent 5 series of 38 years of meteorological data for two grid cells
Two lists (one per variable) of four elements (one per catchment), containing a data frame each holding information about the observed time series and the stochastic simulations
a numeric vector, year
a numeric vector, month
a numeric vector, day
vector of the daily runoff
observed precipitation/temperature
5 simulated data series
The data is included to illustrate the validation and visualization routines in demo("PRSim_weather-validate")
The data has been generated with
prsim.weather(data_p=data_p, data_t=data_t, number_sim=5, p_margin='egpd',t_margin='sep')
(default values for all other arguments).
Brunner, M. I., and E. Gilleland (2021). Spatial compound hot-dry events in the United States: assessment using a multi-site multi-variable weather generator, in preparation.
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(3, 3, 2, 1)) data(weather_sim_multi_sites) sim <- weather_sim_multi_sites ### define plotting colors col_sim <- adjustcolor("#fd8d3c",alpha=0.8) col_sim_tran <- adjustcolor("#fd8d3c",alpha=0.2) col_obs <- adjustcolor( "black", alpha.f = 0.2) ### greys col_vect_obs <- c('#cccccc','#969696','#636363','#252525') ### oranges col_vect_sim <- c('#fdbe85','#fd8d3c','#e6550d','#a63603') ### plot time series for multiple sites ### Temperature (first list entry) par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(3,3,2,1)) ### determine ylim ylim_max <- max(sim[[1]][[1]]$Temp)*1.5 ### observed plot(sim[[1]][[1]]$Temp[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold(paste("Temperature [degrees]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_obs[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max),main='Observations') for(l in 2){ lines(sim[[l]][[1]]$Temp[1:1000],col=col_vect_obs[l]) } # legend('topleft',legend=c('Station 1','Station 2' # ),lty=1,col=col_vect_obs[1:2]) ### simulated (one run) plot(sim[[1]][[1]]$r1[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold(paste("Temperature [degrees]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_sim[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max),main='Stochastic simulations') for(l in 2){ lines(sim[[l]][[1]]$r1[1:1000],col=col_vect_sim[l]) } ### precipitation (second list entry) ylim_max <- max(sim[[1]][[2]]$Prec)*1 ### observed plot(sim[[1]][[2]]$Prec[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold(paste("Precipitation [mm/d]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_obs[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max),main='Observations') for(l in 2){ lines(sim[[l]][[2]]$Prec[1:1000],col=col_vect_obs[l]) } # legend('topleft',legend=c('Station 1','Station 2' # ),lty=1,col=col_vect_obs[1:2]) ### simulated (one run) plot(sim[[1]][[2]]$r1[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold(paste("Precipitation [mm/d]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_sim[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max),main='Stochastic simulations') for(l in 2){ lines(sim[[l]][[2]]$r1[1:1000],col=col_vect_sim[l]) } par(oldpar)
oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(3, 3, 2, 1)) data(weather_sim_multi_sites) sim <- weather_sim_multi_sites ### define plotting colors col_sim <- adjustcolor("#fd8d3c",alpha=0.8) col_sim_tran <- adjustcolor("#fd8d3c",alpha=0.2) col_obs <- adjustcolor( "black", alpha.f = 0.2) ### greys col_vect_obs <- c('#cccccc','#969696','#636363','#252525') ### oranges col_vect_sim <- c('#fdbe85','#fd8d3c','#e6550d','#a63603') ### plot time series for multiple sites ### Temperature (first list entry) par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(3,3,2,1)) ### determine ylim ylim_max <- max(sim[[1]][[1]]$Temp)*1.5 ### observed plot(sim[[1]][[1]]$Temp[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold(paste("Temperature [degrees]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_obs[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max),main='Observations') for(l in 2){ lines(sim[[l]][[1]]$Temp[1:1000],col=col_vect_obs[l]) } # legend('topleft',legend=c('Station 1','Station 2' # ),lty=1,col=col_vect_obs[1:2]) ### simulated (one run) plot(sim[[1]][[1]]$r1[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold(paste("Temperature [degrees]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_sim[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max),main='Stochastic simulations') for(l in 2){ lines(sim[[l]][[1]]$r1[1:1000],col=col_vect_sim[l]) } ### precipitation (second list entry) ylim_max <- max(sim[[1]][[2]]$Prec)*1 ### observed plot(sim[[1]][[2]]$Prec[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold(paste("Precipitation [mm/d]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_obs[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max),main='Observations') for(l in 2){ lines(sim[[l]][[2]]$Prec[1:1000],col=col_vect_obs[l]) } # legend('topleft',legend=c('Station 1','Station 2' # ),lty=1,col=col_vect_obs[1:2]) ### simulated (one run) plot(sim[[1]][[2]]$r1[1:1000], ylab=expression(bold(paste("Precipitation [mm/d]"))), xlab="Time [d]",type="l",col=col_vect_sim[1], ylim=c(0,ylim_max),main='Stochastic simulations') for(l in 2){ lines(sim[[l]][[2]]$r1[1:1000],col=col_vect_sim[l]) } par(oldpar)